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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Famous Cousins #4: John Cena!? WrestleMania 34 Special update? Wow!

Hey Everybody!

To celebrate WrestleMania, which aired this past weekend, I will put a quick post here, linking to some information that I found. It's about my newly discovered cousin, John Cena!

More after the break!

John Cena Famous Kin chart

John Cena, circa a few days ago
John Cena is a professional wrestler; quite a popular one. I would say I'm a fan of his, since I have nothing negative to say about him and enjoy it when he shows up on the TV. He seems like a nice guy outside of the ring as well, and his philanthropy is well documented. So even though he lost to the Undertaker, I appreciate him. Plus, he did not defeat the Undertaker, and I also appreciate that.

John Cena, according to the above chart at FamousKin, is 5th cousin 12 times removed to Elizabeth Alsop, my 9th great-grandmother. More to the point, William Boleyn and Margaret Butler are my 15th great-grandparents, and John Cena's 16th. Therefore, we (that is, John Cena and myself) are 16th cousins, once removed.


It is worth noting that this now means that I have 44 of my own cousins as PEZ in my dispenser collection. Pretty odd, considering I have the WWE set displayed directly below the Presidents sets.

Perhaps it was foretold!?

If any further research shows us related to The Rock, The Undertaker, or Hulk Hogan, I will let you all know.

After I take a break from something, like this blog, all it usually takes to kick-start my interest is some weird fact like this one. After a sustained involvement in one of my hobbies, I let the interest wane a little and focus on something else. In that way, I don't get tired of the things I enjoy, and so I can circle back around to them when the time is right. A hobby is not fun if you are forcing yourself to do it, and it wouldn't be any fun to read, either. So maybe I'll get my rear in gear and do some more genealogical updates, very soon!

Current hobby forecast: Doctor Who, after enjoying a sustained interest over the past three quarters, is on the decline; an upcoming front in Japanese Manga promises an increase in activity. Retro video games show sustained interest for the foreseeable future as I make my way to my 500th NES game.

Please send me NES games, I need them

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